Thursday, January 6, 2011

Let's all go to the lobby.

Okay. With the first blog out of the way, I sat down and thought what next. However, the first thing I need to figure out is what is it called when I do this? I mean, when the people post something on Twitter, it's called a Tweet. Well I want a cool name like that when I write here on my blog. I guess I could say that I dropped a log on you all, but that sounds kind of gross. What about I'm blowing? Nope, doesn't sound quite right either. . . . . .I know. . . . I'll just say that I'm puking since the name of this blog is mental vomit. Problem solved. I'm puking now.

Like I said on my first puke, I don't really know what I'm going to be puking about all the time. I'll just let the thoughts pop in my head and see where that takes me. So last night as I laid my head down on the pillow for another sleepless night, I thought why don't I talk about something that I love. . . .MOVIES. Seeing as how we just finished 2010, I figured I would give you some of my favorite, and not so favorite, movies from this past year.

Movies have always been a happy time for me. Whether it be when I was a kid and my parents took me to see The Rescuers, going to see Star Wars for the seventh time and being blown away by what I was seeing, watching the original Karate Kid and getting goosebumps, putting on my parachute pants and watching Breakin thinking that I would be able to do those moves, breaking out in chills at the end of the first SAW movie, or watching Avatar in IMAX 3D, and if you didn't see it in 3D. . . SHAME ON YOU, and being floored by how far technology has come. I must admit it, I LOVE THE MOVIES!!! Oh, but that's just part of it.

I love walking into the theatre and smelling that smell. You know the one. POPCORN. The buttery greasy goodness in all its saltiness and crunchy bliss. I'm the type of person that if I'm going to the movies, I'm going to have my popcorn and my Cherry Coke. It completes the experience for me. I don't understand how someone can go to a movie and NOT partake in the glory that is known as the snack bar. To me, I would much rather not go, than to deprive myself of the goodness that is waiting for me at the snack bar. Just look for me in the middle of the theatre with my large bag of popcorn and my two gallon cup of Cherry Coke. I'll be easy to spot by the grease coming out of my pores. Stranger : "Excuse me. What cologne are you wearing?" Me: "That would be Orvill Redenbacher #5"

I also love the previews. In fact, I get mad if I'm running late and don't get to see all of them. You know we all do the same thing through the previews. We watch them, then turn to whoever we are with and pass judgement on what we just saw. We are like the Romans ruling on the lives of Gladiators. "I will see that" (thumbs up) or "That looks stupid" (thumbs down). The previews are the perfect warm up for the movie we are about to see. So the more the better in my eyes. It's like seeing into the future.

So what movies did I enjoy this past year? I'll give you a hint, on most cases, the "reviewers" didn't like them that much. I really don't see the point of of the reviewers being so far off the pulse of what MOST people think. But alas, I'll make that a gripe for another day.

When looking back over the past year, I wrote down my list of my favorite movies from 2010 and came up with twelve, but because I am nice and won't make you read them all, I will give you my top five.

(drum roll please)

#5. The Losers - Now I know that most of you are going ???? but that is exactly why I liked this movie so much. I knew absolutely nothing about it when I went in because there were really
no famous actors nor was the movie majorly advertised. However, it balanced action
and comedy in a way that was perfect. Do yourself a favor and rent the DVD on this
one, you might be pleasantly surprised.

#4. The Other Guys - Will Ferrell and Marky Mark, come on, what's not to love about this one? The banter between the two of them is sometimes so funny that you wish they would
stop so you can take a breath from laughing. This movie also produced one of my
favorite movie lines ever. If you liked Step Brothers, you will like this one.

#3. Paranormal Activity 2 - First off, you must see the first in order to follow this one. The first
Paranormal Activity blended creepy and suspense into a perfect cocktail.
Number 2 might start a little slow, but once it takes off, hold on. I don't
scare that easy, but I did notice my leg shaking at one point. BOO!!!!

#2. Jacka$$ 3D - Okay, so it doesn't sit right up there with the classics but there is something about those movies that appeal to just about every guy that has ever said to his friend,
"I dare you to. . . ." I found myself pretty much laughing through the whole movie
and even went back for a second viewing with my wife who also laughed through
it too. Yes, it's gross, yes, it's immature, but YES, IT'S FUNNY!!!!

#1. Inception - If you haven't seen it, go rent it now. This movie just really stretched the boundaries of film making. While you watch it, you will find yourself saying, "How did they do that?" Such a great story with so many layers to it that will keep you interested throughout the
entire 3 hour movie. I really couldn't wait to get my hands on the Blu-Ray version to see
all the extras on how they did it. This movie is a MUST SEE in my world and also in
the dreamworld too.

So there are my top five for 2010. Agree? Disagree? I'd like to hear. I will finish this puke with a few honorable mentions and also my top five least favorite for the year.

Honorable Mentions.

#1. Iron Man 2 - Superhero movie, nuff said.
#2. Despicable Me - Who doesn't love the minions?
#3. Shutter Island - Another Leonardo thriller that keeps you guessing.
#4. Toy Story 3 - I think it's national law to like this one and yes, I felt a lump in my throat at the end but I played it off with a cough.

2010 Stinkers.

#1. Little Fockers - Um. . .can we say "beating a dead horse"?
#2. Alice in Wonderland - Sorry. The characters were just annoying to me.
#3. Saw 7 - I love the Saw series but for this to be the "final" one, it didn't deliver.
#4. Megamind - Don't know if it was my mood that day, but didn't like it. Just lacked the cleverness of most kid/adult cartoon movies.
#5. Sorcerer's Apprentice - Whoever that kid was that played the lead role has to be one of the most annoying actors I have ever seen. He ruined it for me in a big way. He
looked like he wanted to cry through the WHOLE movie. SUCKED!!!

Whew. If you are reading this sentence, thanks for sticking with me. If you are not reading it, then . . .



jescandlon said...

First, I must say that this is totally a Guys movie list! Where is the romantic comedies? The epics? You need to get in touch with your feminine side. lol And Dispicable Me-I fell asleep in that one. I put that on the Worst of 2010. Just sayin! Goodluck with your blog Scott. :)

Adrienne Zwart said...

My top picks:
How to Train Your Dragon.
Toy Story 3
Despicable Me -- "It's so FLUFFY!!!!" (my favorite part)
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Karate Kid - though I can't say I watched most of it. Action movies evidently make me motion sick now. Had to close my eyes through nearly the whole thing.

I guess I just don't get out too much. I can't really agree or disagree with any of your choices.