Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Chaps my Cheeks Award!

I will return later with my final two favorite things, but every now and then I see something that crawls deep into my brain and just sits there and festers until I just have to vomit it out.  This morning it happened.  So I will now present you with my first "Chaps my Cheeks" award ceremony.

I try not to look at the T.V. in the morning because Linda watches the Today show every morning and I just find myself usually getting depressed by all the bad news that you get bombarded with in such a short amount of time.  It's not that I'm closing my eyes to how bad the world is, I just choose to wait a little bit later on in the day to be reminded of it.  However, this morning I found myself sitting down while talking to a friend and this video caught my attention.

Pretty funny video if you ask me.  Some lady was texting while walking, didn't watch where she was going, and FELL INTO THE FOUNTAIN!!!!!   Haahahahahahhahahahahahaha!  Beautiful if you ask me.  So I'm like well that was a funny way to start the day for a change.  The Today show gave me something that made me laugh for a change instead of some doom and gloom.  "Thank you Today show.  Thank you for giving me a smile to walk out the door with.  I might even start watching. . . . . . . WHAT.  #@#$!  I knew it wouldn't last."

What upset me?  What could possibly ruin my day so quick after seeing something so stupidly funny?  Here's what came next.

The idiot lady is now live and in the studio sitting next to some gentleman in a suit.  I immediately knew what was coming.   This gentleman wasn't her husband that wanted to share the laugh with all of us on how his wife wasn't paying attention and tripped into a fountain.  NOOOOOOO.   This was her lawyer talking about the lawsuit she was thinking about filing.  A LAWSUIT OVER HER DUMB, CLUMSY, TEXTING, BONEHEAD SELF, FALLING IN A MALL FOUNTAIN!!!!!!     AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  REALLY???

This right here folks, is another example of what is so wrong with people today.  No one wants to take responsibility for themselves.  There is always someone to blame.  There is always someone you can sue.  It doesn't matter if it was 100% your fault, you can find someone to pin this on.  So she is talking about suing the mall for not rushing to her aid and helping her.  Watch the tape again folks, she hit the water, jumped up, and climbed out on her own.  She then started to walk away immediately.  SHE WAS FINE!!!!!  The only injury that took place was her pride.  You can't fix that with a band aid lady!!!! 

Two things would have happened if that was me: 

#1.  You would have seen me get out of that fountain so freaking fast it would have looked like the Flash was in town.  I would have not made any eye contact with a single soul as I ran out to my car.  I would have driven home to change and then I probably would have "puked" about it just so others could laugh too.


#2.  I would have done all the above until I found out that video was making the rounds.  Then I would have come forward to make sure that everyone knew it was my dumb butt that did it so I could at least get my 15 minutes of fame off of it.  After all, it was pretty stupid wasn't it?  Might as well milked it for all the laughter it was worth.

Suing wouldn't even cross my mind!!!  Then again, I'm pretty sure she didn't come up with the lawsuit on her own because she already proved she wasn't that bright to begin with by FALLING IN A FOUNTAIN WHILE TEXTING!!!!!  *snicker*  I'm pretty sure some hungry lawyer smelled the stupidity in the air and figured, "Hey.  She's dumb enough to fall in a fountain while texting, I'm sure I can talk her into suing someone over it."  Well, it worked and now the legal system has to deal with another person that can't just take responsibility for their own stupidity. I wonder if they will also try to sue the person she was texting to.  That would make sense wouldn't it? My only hope is that whomever she hits while driving and texting sues the crap out of her and gets the money that she will probably get from this STUPID LAWSUIT.  That is if the person she hits is still alive.  Another life lesson left un-learned lady!!!!

So to you lady, I would state your name but I really don't think you deserve that much respect, I give you the very first . . . . . . . Chaps my Cheeks award.  Congrats you moron!!!!!!!


Andrea said...

I am sitting here cracking up...

Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

ok really???? I mean c'mon now... this is TOTALLY something that would happen to me and u r right - after laughing about it for a month - I would've been sooo embarrassed but to sue someone - what is the world coming too... this was GREAT!!

Unknown said...

Sounds about right. Do something 100 percent your fault and sue someone else. She should sue the maker of the cell phone for not having obsticle warning detection!
What have we as a society come to?